


書名:電影的起源 作者:杜蘊思 編輯:羅海珊、龔秋曦、劉文雪 翻譯:梁煥茵 插畫:勞力 @Rickubic 設計:劉倩勤 類型:其他電影書籍/圖書/學生讀物 出版:REEL TO REEL INSTITUTE LIMITED 出版語言:中英對照 出版日期:2020年5月 ISBN:978-988-74653-0-0 規格: 210mm(W) X 148mm(H),32頁 適合年齡:9+ 定價:港幣60元正 簡介: 電影發展只有百幾年歷史,但被視為十分重要的藝術範疇,到底電影是如何出現的呢?一本簡介電影起源和技術發展的故事書,集合中西方豐富的歷史事例,深入淺出和生動地簡述早期電影發展,並對照香港的相關事件。本書更以廣東話書寫,中英對照,加上精緻的插畫,適合學生和對電影有興趣的朋友! 杜蘊思 於香港中文大學語言學及現代語言系取得一級榮譽學士學位,其後於英國列斯大學攻讀影像翻譯研究碩士學位。2010至15年任職香港電影資料館助理編輯,2016起連續三屆為康樂及文化事務署藝術節辦事處主辦的國際綜藝合家歡擔任編輯。期間亦為各大電影節、電視台及展覽翻譯、編輯及撰稿。現為自由工作者。 勞力 @Rickubic 插畫師、創意設計師和大學講師。曾赴澳洲皇家墨爾本科技大學修讀平面設計,現居於香港。近期更成為香港設計師協會及香港插畫師協會會員。2018年獲生活雜誌《Localliz》評為「8 Talented and Inspiring Hong Kong Illustrators You Need To Know」其中之一。 目錄: 一、電影嘅前身 二、電影嘅誕生 三、彩色電影 四、有聲電影 ------------------------------------- The Origins of Cinema Contributor: Vinci To Editors: Janis Law, Aki Kung, Gladys Lau Translator: Erica Leung Illustrator: Rick Lo @Rickubic Designer: Sadie Lau Publisher: REEL TO REEL INSTITUTE LIMITED Language: Cantonese & English Publication Date: 5/2020 ISBN: 978-988-74653-0-0 Format: 210mm(W) X 148mm(H), 32 pages For ages: 9+ Price: HK$60 Introduction: With only a hundred years of history, film is regarded as a very important art form. How did the cinema appear? This is a storybook that introduces the origins and technological development of the cinema! There is a rich collection of historical examples from the East and the West, which provides a simple and vivid description on the early film development. It also shows relevant events happened in Hong Kong. This book is written in Cantonese with English translation, alongside exquisite illustrations, ideal for students and everyone who is interested in film! Vinci To Graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong with BA in Linguistics & Modern Languages (first honour); later obtained her MA degree in Screen Translation Studies at the University of Leeds, UK. From 2010 to 2015 she was Assistant Editor of the Hong Kong Film Archive; and Editor for International Arts Carnival, Festivals Office, LCSD, from 2016 to 2018. She has also been doing freelance translation, editorial and copywriting work for various film festivals, TV channels and exhibition programmes over the years. Rick Lo @Rickubic Rick Lo is an illustrator, a designer and a university lecturer. He studied communication design at RMIT University in Australia and now staying in Hong Kong. Rick Lo is a member of the Hong Kong Designers Association and Hong Kong Society of Illustrators. In 2018, Rick Lo is among the ‘8 Talented and Inspiring Hong Kong Illustrators You Need To Know’, featured on a lifestyle magazine Localiiz. Chapters: 1. Moving Images before Cinema 2. The Birth of Cinema 3. Films in Colour 4. Films with Sound

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